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Horticulture and Plant Disease

  • One Hundred Roses for the South Florida Garden
    100 Roses for the South Florida Garden

    From University Press of Florida:

    Contrary to common belief, many varieties of roses can flourish in Florida's heat and humidity. A much-needed guide for both home gardeners and landscape professionals, this book equips readers with the knowledge to successfully grow this popular plant in the state's tropical climate.

    Rose connoisseur Victor Lazzari surveys the history of the rose; outlines the main classifications of roses; explains how to best cultivate the flower in the South Florida environment; and offers advice on designing thoughtful, eco-friendly, visually spectacular gardens with roses in this region. Lazzari then provides an illustrated compendium of 100 varieties of roses that work well in South Florida. Each entry contains a beautiful full-color photograph, a brief history of the rose variety, and notes on the variety's performance.

    Complete with a thorough list of local rose retailers and organizations, this book is filled with useful information that has previously been difficult for Florida residents to locate. New gardeners and dedicated rosarians alike will delight in this approachable, eye-catching resource for finding and growing roses that thrive in the southernmost part of the state.

    By Victor Lazzari. ISBN 9780813068879. Copyright 2023. 240 pages.

    Price: $24.95
    In stock
  • The Biology Behind the Plants You Love, How They Grow, and What They Need
    A Gardener's Guide to Botany
    From Cool Spring Press:
    A fascinating and in-depth exploration of the endless wonders of the plant kingdom awaits you. Join botanist Scott Zona on a captivating journey into the incredible world of plants. This book is a delightful botanical romp that introduces the science behind how and why plants form the foundation of all life on Earth. In layman's language, you'll uncover what distinguishes plants from people and how the adaptations they've developed over eons influence their appearance today, as well as how they grow and survive in a tremendous diversity of climates. Lush illustrations and full-color photography showcase some of the world's most captivating plants (along with plenty of common ones), leaving you even more enamored with plants than when you first cracked open the very first page.

    Discover the chlorophyll-infused science behind how plants:

    React to their environment to adapt and "know" when it's ideal for supporting growth
    Access water and nutrients, including through partnerships with other living organisms
    Reproduce in ingenious and astonishing ways, both with and without sex
    Disperse their genes via seeds spread by wind, water, animals, or even by the plant itself
    Protect themselves from predators with defenses like spines, waxes, and toxic compounds such as cyanide, cocaine, nicotine, quinine, and many others
    Communicate with each other - and with other living organisms both above and below the ground - through chemical messaging systems
    Whether you're an advanced gardener with acres of green to tend or a new plant parent with a single fern on a windowsill, this is a revelatory look at what makes plants tick. Join Dr. Zona on a beautiful botanical adventure.
    By Scott Zona, ISBN 978-0-7603-7445-0, copyright 2023.
    Price: $32.00
    In stock
  • Botanical Keys to Florida's Trees, Shrubs, and Woody Vines
    Botanical Keys to Florida's Trees, Shrubs, and Woody Vines

    By Gil Nelson:

    This unique botanical key serves as a field guide for both amateurs and professionals, showcasing the leaves, flowers, fruit, and other characteristics of 968 species of trees, shrubs, and vines. The guide includes two keys: the Master Key to Major Groups of Woody Plants, leading to subsidiary keys or a plant family, and family keys that identify species within specific families. For further convenience, species within particular genera are grouped together. In addition to detailed plant descriptions, the author provides insights into the likely areas where each can be found, accompanied by a Glossary of Common Botanical Terms.
    208 pp. Pineapple Press (2011)

    Price: $19.95
    In stock
  • Desórdenes y Enfermedades de las Palmas Ornamentales
    Desórdenes y Enfermedades de las Palmas Ornamentales
    Tanto las palmas nativas como las introducidas, que crecen en los Estados Unidos, sufren de desórdenes y enfermedades. Los desórdenes incluyen las deficiencias nutricionales, además de los daños naturales y los ocasionados por el hombre. Puede ser difícil diferenciar los desórdenes de las enfermedades o diferenciar los desórdenes individuales de las enfermedades correspondientes. Esta colección de fichas ilustra los problemas comunes en las palmas e intenta guiar al usuario en la diferenciación de los problemas. 2.ª Edición.
    Price: $12.00
    In stock
  • Disorders and Diseases of Ornamental Palms ID Deck
    Disorders and Diseases of Ornamental Palms, 2nd Edition
    Recently revised and updated, this ID deck is a diagnostic tool for landscape professionals and backyard hobbyists. The color photographs and explanatory text help users identify and distinguish between the nutritional deficiencies, physiological disorders, and common diseases of ornamental palms. All palms in the U.S. suffer from disorders and diseases, and identifying the differences can be tricky. These cards feature photographs and descriptions and are cross-referenced for easy comparison between different symptoms and the potential problems causing them. Includes a table of contents and 55 laminated, ring-bound cards.

    Price: $12.00
    Out of stock
  • Horticultural Therapy Methods
    Horticultural Therapy Methods
    From CRC Press:
    Horticultural therapy has evolved from its use only by volunteer gardeners to become a recognized and respected therapeutic modality conducted by trained, registered professionals. This book presents types of programs, settings, and goals in horticultural therapy. It outlines treatment planning; development of sessions to meet treatment objectives; motivation and behavior management techniques; documentation guidelines; practical approaches for wellness; and resources for activity ideas. This revised edition updates materials and adds essential information on planning treatment sessions. It also provides horticultural therapy strategies to address treatment issues related to mental health, physical health, vocational skills, and wellness.

    Editors: Rebecca L. Haller, Christine L. Capra

    2nd edition, 2017, 188pp
    ISBN: 978-1-138-73117-2
    Price: $31.95
    In stock
  • The Science Behind the Amazing Things Plants Do
    How Plants Work
    The Science Behind the Amazing Things Plants Do

    By Linda Chalker-Scott
    From the publisher:
    Why do container plants wilt even when they've been regularly watered? Why did the hydrangea that thrived last year never bloom this year? Plant physiology - the study of how livings things function - can solve these and most other problems gardeners regularly encounter. In this book, horticulture expert Linda Chalker-Scott brings the stranger-than-fiction science of the plant world to vivid life. She uncovers the mysteries of how and why plants do the things they do, and arms you with fascinating knowledge that will change the way you garden.

    Timber Press, ISBN 9781604693386, copyright 2015, 236 pages

    Regular Price: $19.95
    Bulk Regular Price: $19.95
    In stock
  • Modern Fruit Science
    Modern Fruit Science
    Now in its 10th edition, Modern Fruit Science has been the essential textbook for the fruit-growing industry and horticultural science courses worldwide for over 60 years. Every aspect of fruit growing—from cultivar selection to marketing—is thoroughly detailed in an easy-to-read format, supported by over 1,000 photographs, illustrations, charts, and tables. Each major fruit crop has its own chapter, including apples, pears, peaches, plums, nectarines, apricots, grapes, nuts, and strawberries. Featured topics include insect and disease control, frost and drought injury, grove and orchard management, harvesting, storage, and fruit processing. Whether you're a grower or a horticultural sciences student, this is one book you’ll turn to time and time again.

    Authored by Norman F. Childers, Justin R. Morris, and G. Steven Sibbett. 632 pp.

    NOW ON SALE WAS $18.00
    No additional discounts apply.

    Please note: This textbook is heavy and may impact your shipping cost!
    Price: $1.00
    In stock
  • The Nature of Plants: An Introduction to How Plants Work
    The Nature of Plants: An Introduction to How Plants Work
    From University Press of Florida:

    Plants play a critical role in shaping how we experience our environment. They create calming green spaces, provide oxygen for us to breathe, and enrich our senses. In this book, ecologist and nursery owner Craig Huegel demystifies the complex lives of plants, guiding readers on an illuminating journey into their inner and outer workings.

    Featuring color illustrations, photographs, and real-life examples from his own gardening experiences, Huegel equips budding botanists, ecologists, and even novice gardeners with the knowledge they need to better understand and nurture plants of all types.

    ISBN 978-0-8130-6408-6, copyright 2019

    Price: $24.95
    In stock
  • The Peach: World Cultivars to Marketing
    The Peach: World Cultivars to Marketing

    More than 200 experts worldwide have contributed to making this the most comprehensive book on peach growing in the English language. Each major peach-growing industry in the U.S. and around the world is detailed with the support of photographs, illustrations, tables, and charts.

    This book covers every aspect of peach horticulture, including cultivars, site selection and planting, orchard management, pest and frost control, peach diseases, harvesting, processing, storage, shipping, and marketing.

    Edited by Norman F. Childers and Wayne B. Sherman. 986 pages.

    NOW ON SALE WAS $18.00
    No additional discounts apply.

    Please note: This textbook is heavy and may impact your shipping cost.

    Price: $1.00
    In stock
  • The Scent of Scandal: Greed, Betrayal, and the World’s Most Beautiful Orchid
    The Scent of Scandal: Greed, Betrayal, and the World’s Most Beautiful Orchid
    Explore the intriguing world of the Phragmipedium kovachii, hailed as the most coveted orchid discovery of its time after its unearthing in Peru in 2002. Witness as its allure drives prices to unprecedented heights, reaching a staggering $10,000 on the black market, leading even the most level-headed individuals to bend rules and skirt laws in their quest to possess it.

    Award-winning journalist Craig Pittman, renowned for his coverage in the St. Petersburg (now Tampa Bay) Times, meticulously unveils this fascinating narrative. Through Pittman's insightful storytelling, the intricate web of smugglers, scientists, and federal investigators is unraveled, shedding light on the true culprits behind this captivating saga.

    Summer selection for the Florida Master Gardener Volunteer Book Club - save 20% off list price (normally $20.95).
    Price: $16.76
    In stock
  • The Triumph of Seeds
    The Triumph of Seeds
    From Basic Books:
    We live in a world of seeds. From our morning toast to the cotton in our clothes, they are quite literally the stuff and staff of life, supporting diets, economies, and civilizations around the globe. Just as the search for nutmeg and pepper drove the Age of Discovery, so did coffee beans fuel the Enlightenment, and cottonseed spark the Industrial Revolution. Seeds are fundamental objects of beauty, evolutionary wonder, and simple fascination. Yet, despite their importance, seeds are often seen as commonplace, their extraordinary natural and human histories overlooked. Thanks to this stunning book, they can be overlooked no more. "The Triumph of Seeds" is a book of knowledge and adventure, spun by an award-winning writer with both the charm of a fireside storyteller and the hard-won expertise of a field biologist. A fascinating scientific adventure, it is essential reading for anyone who loves to see a plant grow.

    By Thor Hanson, ISBN 978-0-465-09740-1, copyright 2015.

    This was a previous selection for the Florida Master Gardener Volunteer Book Club.

    Price: $17.99
    Out of stock
  • Watermelon Field Guide
    Watermelon Field Guide

    Real-world watermelon experiences through the eyes of Florida Extension agents.
    Developed by UF/IFAS Extension county and regional agents in the Suwannee Valley Agricultural Area with support from the Florida Watermelon Association (FWA), the Watermelon Field Guide is a handy visual reference that growers can take to the field to identify the pests, diseases, injuries, disorders, and other challenges to growing watermelon in Florida.

    Fully illustrated with 140 color photos, this guide provides real-life observations on a wide range of subjects, including:

    • Chemical Injuries (herbicides, miticides, chemical burns)

    • Diseases (fungal pathogens, viruses, bacterial diseases)

    • Environmental Injuries (hail, lightning, irrigation problems)

    • Nutrients (testing, deficiencies, toxicities)

    • Good Bugs and Bad Bugs (beneficial insects, squash bugs, whiteflies, nematodes)

    • Physiological and Genetic Disorders (leaf curling, hollow heart, oedema)

    • Wildlife (raccoons, birds, feral pigs)

    • And more!

    6"x4.5", 136 pages, laminated, spiral binding

    Price: $22.00
    In stock
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