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The Right Plants for Dry Places: Native Plant Landscaping in Central Florida
SP 585
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From Great Outdoors Publishing/National Book Network:
Native plant landscaping is based on the principle of putting the right plant in the right place. Rather than first choosing your plants and then modifying the site to suit them (a process that often requires much time, effort, topsoil, fertilizer, pesticide, water, and mulch), you first determine the nature of your site and then select native plants that will thrive in that location.
If your soil is dry, inland, and in Central Florida, then this book is especially for you. Your soil is DRY if puddles disappear within a few minutes after a heavy rain, INLAND if your property does not touch any saltwater body and does not receive salt spray in the wind, and IN CENTRAL FLORIDA if your property lies in or between Levy, Marion, and Volusia counties at the north end and Lee, Hendry, and Broward counties at the south.
By the Suncoast Native Plant Society, ISBN 978-0-8200-0423-5, copyright 2005 (2nd edition)
Native plant landscaping is based on the principle of putting the right plant in the right place. Rather than first choosing your plants and then modifying the site to suit them (a process that often requires much time, effort, topsoil, fertilizer, pesticide, water, and mulch), you first determine the nature of your site and then select native plants that will thrive in that location.
If your soil is dry, inland, and in Central Florida, then this book is especially for you. Your soil is DRY if puddles disappear within a few minutes after a heavy rain, INLAND if your property does not touch any saltwater body and does not receive salt spray in the wind, and IN CENTRAL FLORIDA if your property lies in or between Levy, Marion, and Volusia counties at the north end and Lee, Hendry, and Broward counties at the south.
By the Suncoast Native Plant Society, ISBN 978-0-8200-0423-5, copyright 2005 (2nd edition)
The Right Plants for Dry Places: Native Plant Landscaping in Central Florida
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